Thursday, June 10, 2010

The Diet Game Plan

You have good intentions when it comes to your eating habits, so why is it so hard to resist when temptation comes calling? You know you shouldn't order those fries, or eat that cookie, so what is it that is going wrong?

For me, if I can't resist, its because I don't have a game plan. When I plan my meals a day ahead, or plan a whole week at once, all of a sudden, temptations aren't as tempting.

When I know exactly when I am going to eat next and what I am going to be eating, politely refusing becomes so much easier. Instead of thinking "maybe I will skip dinner" to make up for your temptation, you can think "I can wait for my garden burger and salad" or whatever its going to be.

Getting rid of the meal limbo is like a coach planning out the week for his players. He isn't going to just come up with something on the spot; he makes sure that his players are well prepared by balancing different workouts each day. Be your own meal coach.

Occasionally things will come up and you will need to change your plan, but being flexible is okay. At least you are making a decision about what meal is best instead of playing the "omg what should I do" game.

Not only does planning ahead make it easier to resist temptation, it makes it easier to go grocery shopping, it makes it easier to stay within your calorie range and it makes it easier to eat out.

I will save eating out for another blog, but trust me when I say planning ahead is a lifesaver.

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