Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Pepsi Ad Reinterpreted

I thought this was pretty funny. I don't really drink Pepsi since I dislike colas in general, but if I did, this would help me remember how bad it is. I wish they would invent an anti-slogan/ad for PibbXtra.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Day 2-- the First Blog Entry

I am really liking how works so far. I think maybe I won't lose my motivation this time, like I usually do. In general, when I decide to lose weight I will be really good about tracking my calories for about a week, and then forget what I was doing. Not only does this website make it so I can update from school or work (it is no Excel document where I have to guess at values), it also lets me track my exercise and provides motivational strategies. I don't generally take exercise into account.

I am really hoping to be a part of the SparkPeople community but how do I make friends? Is it too forward to just add someone who sounds interesting?

Day 2-- the First Blog Entry

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