Thursday, October 1, 2009

Red Light Foods

I am losing weight using SparkPeople, and my mom is losing weight using Weight Watchers. I recently went to a meeting with her and they talked about avoiding your red light foods. I had trouble thinking of any because I rarely finish whole packages of food, and that was how it was explained.

A red light food is something that you have trouble not buying, and then cannot control eating. If you start eating it, you eat the whole thing. The only difference for me is that I usually attempt to separate portions before I eat. With my "red light foods," the portions I make for myself are significantly larger than what I want or intend to eat; but I eat everything I bring out. I feel bad after eating them because I usually don't log my calories before I eat my red light foods. I really shouldn't even buy them to begin with, but my boy friend and I love to eat foods that I can't handle when we are together.

My List:
  • Chips- Pringles, Sun Chips, Tortilla chips.
  • Ice cream
  • Fries
  • Sweets- candy bars of all kind, especially chocolate
  • Desserts- cake, pie, pretty much anything in a starbuck's display
I know that I have trouble with certain foods, but at the same time I can't resist them. I know I shouldn't buy them, but somehow they end up in my house and then I end up eating them. I am sure that I have more red light foods, but as of now, these are the foods that I have identified.

Starting today, on October 1, I will not buy "stupid foods", as mentioned above (except occasionally one Starbucks Petite Vanilla Scone), and I will not reach for foods that I don't want. I will listen to myself when I hear my little voice telling me to beware and that I will regret buying/eating/being in the same aisle with.

Also, I am going to attempt to be better at logging my food before I eat it. I did a much better job of logging foods before when I was beginning, and I also lost much more weight. I think I need to carry around my old notebook so that I don't forget to log if I don't have a computer.

What are some of your RED LIGHT FOODS?

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